Promote your business by announcing to the community that you support the health and well-being of our area’s children, family, and seniors by displaying a banner at the Red Wing Family YMCA! Contributions generated from the Banner Program allow the Y to continue providing a beautiful facility, life changing educational programming, and knowledgeable staff. We are also able to continue free programs like LiveStrong. Your contribution to the banner program also ensures that we are able to turn no one away for an inability to pay for other programs like Sunshine Corner Preschool, Youth in Government, swim lessons, and Kids Power Club day camp.
Your investment in the Red Wing YMCA Banner Program ensures we can continually support those who would not otherwise be able to access the facilities and programs we offer. The Banner Program keeps your business in front of the community seven days a week. The YMCA has over 4,000 members with more than 1,000 of them viewing the banners daily while using the facility.
Get involved with the Banner Program
Sponsorship Levels

We could not do this important work without great partners in the community like you. Your participation in the YMCA’s Business Sponsorship Program directly support the efforts of our YMCA Annual Campaign. Thank you for your consideration!